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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 37820
please visit royalcourttheatre.com
Our script submissions process is currently paused as the team focusses on our Introduction to Playwriting applications (hyperlink to page). We will not be accepting script submissions between 8 and 31 July. If you would like to submit your play to the Royal Court, please check back on this page from August 2020. If you have already submitted your play prior to 8 July and received the confirmation email, your play is in our system and will be read.
Signing in to the Royal Court Theatre now happens at stage door when you arrive.
The Stage Door Keeper will guide you to the sign-in folder at the desk.
You must sign out each time you leave the building as this folder is used for the roll call in the event of an evacuation.
Many thanks, have a great day.