Unfinished Archive submissions
If this form is not accessible to you please get in touch and we will provide an alternative way of submitting (literary@royalcourttheatre.com)
We are asking you to contribute a record of a performance of D/deaf, Disabled and neurodivergent work. This could be a memory of seeing Disability on stage, or your recommendations of lost texts and live performances that have happened outside a theatre space.
Below are some questions about the performance and/or text and your memory of it, that you may or may not have the answers to. Please fill out in as much or as little detail as you’d like.
Below is a space to tell us more detail about your memory of the performance. What would you like to share with us to help us create this archive of imagination?
Some prompts...
A memory of a show you have seen - whether recent or distant. What did it mean to you? What stayed with you? What was your experience of the performance and the venue? Or is there a show that you heard about, or wished you had seen but missed?
Lost Texts:
A lost text that you have read or been told about
Performance Beyond Theatre:
A description of a piece of cabaret, queer performance, performance poetry, busking
Describe it in your own words, true to your voice and your experience - and feel free to include a link or any images. You can use up to 1000 characters.
You can upload pdf, word, jpeg, jpg, png or tiff documents max 10MB