Unfinished Archive submissions


If this form is not accessible to you please get in touch and we will provide an alternative way of submitting (literary@royalcourttheatre.com)




You can tell us more detail about your memory of the performance. What would you like to share with us to help us create this archive of imagination?

Some prompts...

A memory of a show you have seen - whether recent or distant. What did it mean to you? What stayed with you? What was your experience of the performance and the venue? Or is there a show that you heard about, or wished you had seen but missed? 

Lost Texts:
A lost text that you have read or been told about

Performance Beyond Theatre:
A description of a piece of cabaret, queer performance, performance poetry, busking


Describe it in your own words, true to your voice and your experience.


File upload

You can upload mp4, pdf, word, jpeg, jpg, png or tiff documents max 10MB





Privacy Policy

We take data protection seriously and hereby undertake to look after all personal data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation which came into force in May 2018 or any forthcoming data protection legislation. As part of our unsolicited script reading process, all personal data related to submissions will be stored securely on our server indefinitely and access limited to the Literary department, who manage the script reading process. The justification for keeping this data is legitimate interest, as we may need to contact writers about the script they have submitted or future work. This information will not be shared with third parties. Scripts will only be stored if they are recommended for a further read by the Literary Department. You have the right to request access to your personal data at any time and can ask to be removed from the database. Please visit https://royalcourttheatre.com/privacy-policy/ for full details of our privacy policy.